Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter and the Snoozy Bobos

Ten past eight a.m. she finished it. I figure that's a little under seven hours, given that she started reading it in the car on the way home and had finished the first two chapters before we were in the house. Pretty good going.

I started it myself Saturday morning but had to relinquish it to Blythe when we went out to have our barnets trimmed. I had grand ideas about staying up all night myself last night and finishing it, but I hit a really boring section around chapters ten and eleven that kept putting me to sleep. I did the loop of reading a paragraph, snoozing, waking up, rereading the same paragraph, snoozing again, etc about a dozen times. I shifted position and managed to get through another couple of pages before I dropped off again, but come 2.15am I had to admit defeat. So my completion of HP and the DHs will be delayed until later in the week when I can get my hands on the book again.

In the absence of any Potter to read there was only one thing for it - upstairs to the study to paint the ceiling. And fill some holes. And sand down some previously filled holes. And fill them again.


Tvor said...

I succumbed to the spoilers of some of my friends that had posted on Livejournal (behind a link, thoughtfully). I couldn't stand it and that's unusual for me, i don't normally look at the endings of books. i'm not even an avid HP fan though i've read the books. I'll get the last one once my sister and niece have finished it but i wanted to see how it came out.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking there might be a link between you reading P*tt*r and falling asleep...;-]