Friday, January 04, 2008

Friday Five

1. Tell us something you love:
The smell of new rain on concrete.

2. Tell us something you know to be true:
You will see your loved ones again after you "die."

3. Tell us about someone new in your life:
Umm...I think this is supposed to be about a "special someone" and I don't have anyone "new" in that regard. Except that our relationship is so good that it feels new every day. As far as friends go, I guess the most recent new one would be someone at the book club, but I don't know who the newest one is.

4. Who can you never please?
Ah, there was someone. But she's a distant (bad) memory now.

5. Friday fill-in:
You know I ___.
You know I don't like dark mornings!

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