Thursday, January 31, 2008

I knew it! Football is bad for your health

I've never been a huge fan of any sport. I like to watch the odd frame of snooker or gymnastics or athletics on the telly, but I wouldn't usually stay in for it or build my life around it, and I've never understood people who do. The thing I find hardest to understand is the national obsession with football. It's hard to avoid - even at work it's there in a fair proportion of the coffee machine conversations. Sorry, but it bores the hell out of me.

Now this morning comes news that it's actually bad for your health! Yes! Vindication at last! A study has proven a direct link between the incidence of heart attacks in men and the dates when their team are playing a "big" match. Apparently there's a three-fold increase in heart attacks among supporters on match days. The worry and the stress kills them off! How mad is that?

In a world where there are already way too many things conspiring to make us keel over, I'm happy to avoid the totally unnecessary ones, and this is a prime example. What's more, I now have the perfect rejoinder for anyone trying to engage me in a football conversation: "Watch out! That stuff can kill you!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With a huge roller coaster of emotions, frustration and excitement sending adrenaline levels and stress hormone levels soaring. Keep glued to your PC John it's a lot healthier, that's if you have a good chair & exercise!