Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday Five

1. What do you need?
Potatoes. Nah, that's just an in joke really. All you need is love, The Beatles reckoned, and I'd go along with that. Throw in a home that you look forward to coming back to at the end of the day, where you feel safe and can entertain family and friends and that'll do me.

2. What won't you share?
I'd share anything, but don't leave it until the last minute to ask. If I get to the point where there's only those nice curled-over crisps left in the bag, you're not having one!

3. What do you hurry through?
The working day. I used to love it, now I can't wait for it to be over.

4. Who is worth waiting for?
The right person. Sometimes the wait can be long. Sometimes you think you've missed them. You haven't. You don't need to stick with someone just because it looks like they're the only thing on offer. If it doesn't feel right, it isn't right. You have to wait a while longer.

5. Friday fill-in:
I can't bear to ______.
be hot.

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