Thursday, January 10, 2008

The ultimate irony

My Mum got home from hospital this evening - two days later than originally estimated owing to picking up an infection in her hip from the operating theatre. Presumably it wasn't one of the scary ones - MRSA or C. difficile - or she'd still be in there. Or worse. Anyway, she's home. Still in a lot of pain, but they've given her pain meds for that. And here's where the "ultimate irony" comes in. For a woman with a lifelong phobia against hypodermic needles (she couldn't even watch when I had my inoculations as a child), the pain medication they've given her is morphine. Injectable morphine. Which she has to administer herself. Ouch.

Once a day for the next six days, straight into the stomach. Can she do it? Yes she can. Already done it, to her amazement. If it's true that everyone's on Earth to learn at least one lesson or face one fear, this might just be hers.

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